Sodexo ranks amongst best for LGBTI inclusion in 2020 Workplace Pride Global Benchmark

Sodexo, world leader in Quality of Life Services, achieved its highest score to date on the 2020 Workplace Pride Global Benchmark, measuring the LGBTI inclusion practices of internationally active employers. With a score of 93.5% in 2020 compared to 82.1% the year before, Sodexo was recognized as a Workplace Pride 2020 Advocate for its score among the best organizations participating in the benchmark.

This overall score is based on performance over eight areas of improvement for inclusion. Sodexo’s global leading best practices were recognized with a score of 100% in five areas: Workplace Awareness, Employee Networks, Inclusion & Engagement, Business & Supplier Engagement and Societal Impact; and with above average results in Policy & Communications, Support & Benefits and Expertise & Monitoring.

Sodexo’s efforts are driven by the Sodexo Global Pride Network and supported by 18 LGBTQ+ employee networks with some 2,000 active members worldwide.

"This performance is a great recognition for the long-lasting efforts of all our employees, LGBTQ+ and allies, involved in our Sodexo Pride networks to build an inclusive and safe culture internally as well as outside our walls."
"We will follow up on the recommendations to make Sodexo even more inclusive and champion acceptance and equality in the workplace around the world. As a Workplace Pride 2020 Advocate, we also invite other companies to join the benchmark and make it even stronger."
Margot Slattery (She/Her)Sodexo Global Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Created in 2014, the Global Workplace Pride Benchmark was designed to assess the global progress made in the workplace of internationally active employers in support of LGBTI inclusion and address the needs of organizations faced with implementing global D&I and LGBTI policies in countries where obstacles, such as legal frameworks or cultural norms make it hard to do so. Workplace Pride compares organizations operating in the same sector and of similar size.

Respecting and accepting all sexual orientations and identifications is part of Sodexo’s Positive Impact.


About Workplace Pride

Workplace Pride is the international platform for LGBTI inclusion at work. Based in Amsterdam, Workplace Pride’s activities include both the Netherlands and many countries around the world. We strive, using over a decade’s experience and accumulated knowledge to push the boundaries of LGBTI inclusion in the workplace. Awareness raising, measurement, research, training and network building through targeted events are the pillars of the Foundation’s work. Complementing these are specific programs for young LGBTI people, people from the Tech industry, the Academic world and LGBTI women alongside custom-made training.