On disability inclusion
Regardless of your background, age, origins, gender, sexual orientation, identity or ability, we value and respect you for being you; you belong to a team where you’re treated fairly and respected. We build an inclusive culture, where you can bring your whole selves at work.
Join our inclusive cultureWe are convinced that striving for Gender Equality creates a better life for all. We’re committed to everyday actions to ensure gender balance in all levels of the organization, and provide opportunities for all genders to grow and advance. We empower women in our business and in local communities, holding ourselves accountable for reaching our gender targets in senior leaders and management.
Our SoTogether global advisory board drives our global gender equality strategy, and our employees can join one of our 23 SoTogether Gender Networks to address gender concerns.
We have many actions in place to elevate inclusion in our organization, addressing unconscious bias, and provide growth opportunities across race, ethnicity, and refugee status. We have set goals for hiring refugees globally. We seek to empower women, support health and well-being and stimulate community growth through employment with indigenous communities.
We also evaluate the racial and ethnic composition of our leadership teams, aspiring to reflect the same diversity in our leadership teams as we see in our employees throughout the organization.
One in seven people worldwide have a disability. As a global employer, we want to attract talent and enable everyone to reach their full potential. For us to reach that goal, we raise awareness through e-learning modules that help our teams respond to mental health signs and we’re a member of The Valuable 500 – an international initiative that unlocks value for people living with disabilities.
Disability Voice, at the global level, provides learning opportunities across multiple aspects of disabilities, partnering on the Mental Health and Well-being Portal, advocating for self-identification and celebrating international celebrations in the people with disabilities community.
We want our employees to feel comfortable being themselves at work, whether that means calling them by their chosen name, welcoming conversations about their partner and family, or empowering our 18 LGBTQ+ & Ally networks to fight harassment and advocate inclusion. Globally, our partnerships with Workplace Pride, Stonewall UK, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates and PFLAG provide opportunities for professional development and training regarding LGBTQ+ communities.
Whether you’re eager to undertake responsibilities early on, or looking to change course later in life, we support all generations in their path to growth. Our generational networks help us leverage both the progressive mindset of our emergent talent and the knowledge of our most tenured employees. We also take advantage of our schools and campus connections to look to the future generations not yet part of our workplace.
On disability inclusion
LGBTQ+ Support
On gender equality
On cultures & origins
On disability inclusion
LGBTQ+ Support
On gender equality
On cultures & origins
On disability inclusion
LGBTQ+ Support
On gender equality
On cultures & origins
On disability inclusion
LGBTQ+ Support
On gender equality
On cultures & origins