Sodexo included in the 2021 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, recognizing our commitment to advancing women in the workplace

Sodexo, world leader in Quality of Life Services, is included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), for the fourth consecutive year. The Index distinguishes companies committed to transparency in gender reporting and advancing women’s equality in the workplace.

The GEI brings transparency to gender-related practices and policies at publicly listed companies, increasing the breadth of environmental, social, governance (ESG) data available to investors. The GEI scoring methodology allows investors to assess company performance and compare across industry peer groups.

"We want to make sure every woman and man is treated fairly without discrimination and has equal access to growth and opportunities in our workplace."
"Gender balance fosters creativity and innovation, and ultimately a more human services experience for all. We will continue to proactively share our performance and be transparent to drive change and advance on gender equality across Sodexo."
Margot SlatterySodexo’s Global Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Sodexo’s goal is to have women represent at least 40% of its leadership by 2025 and 100% of employees working in entities with gender-balanced management teams.

Sodexo’s Fiscal Year 2020 indicators demonstrate steady progress towards gender balanced teams at most levels of the organization:

  • 60% of the Board
  • 30% of the Executive Committee
  • 40% of Senior Executives 
  • 44% of all managers
  • 55% of the total workforce

The percentage of women on the Executive Committee decreased slightly due to the rotation of its members. Conversely, the proportion of women among the Group’s senior executives (the main talent pool of potential members of the Executive Committee), as well as among managers, continues to increase.

To find out more about Diversity & Inclusion at Sodexo, please consult the dedicated section of our website.