Sodexo: Combined Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of December 14, 2021

In strict compliance with health and safety measures, Sodexo's Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at the Seine Musicale auditorium in Boulogne-Billancourt, chaired by Sophie Bellon, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.

Quorum was established at 84.89% and 2,428 shareholders were present, represented or voted by correspondence.

All the resolutions put forward by the Board of Directors were adopted, notably:

  • Setting the dividend at €2 per share. The ex-dividend date of the coupon is December 17, 2021, and the dividend will be paid on December 21, 2021.
  • The related-party agreement concerning the animation and services provided by Bellon SA to Sodexo, with a majority of 61% excluding the vote of interested parties, including Bellon SA.
  • The renewal of François-Xavier Bellon’s mandate as Director, for a period of 3 years.
  • The appointment of Jean-Baptiste de Chatillon as new Director for a period of 3 years.
  • The approval of all resolutions related to the remuneration of the Directors, the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, including Denis Machuel’s departure package.
  • The financial delegations granted to the Board of Directors.

At the end of this Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, Sodexo’s Board of Directors still comprises 12 members, including four different nationalities, seven independent directors, seven women and two employee representatives.

"We create a better everyday for everyone to build a better life for all."
The Company's Purpose
Sophie BellonChairwoman of the Board of Directors

Since its creation in 1966, Sodexo has had a dual mission, avant-garde for the time, and still relevant in 2021: "To improve the quality of life of our employees and all those whom we serve, and to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, regions and countries in which we operate". Today, with this heritage and faithful to the spirit of progress that is part of its founding values, Sodexo wants to go further by defining a Company Purpose and reaffirming the value of the daily action of its teams serving 100 million consumers around the world.

Finally, Sodexo also presented its new brand tagline: Sodexo. It all starts with the everyday. The latter reflects Sodexo's belief that taking action on the concrete things of everyday life can significantly improve the lives of people, communities and the planet, while reaffirming a strong and committed point of view on the impact of what Sodexo does every day, for today and tomorrow.

"On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to warmly thank our 412,000 employees for their unwavering commitment to our customers and consumers during a difficult year. I would also like to thank our shareholders for their trust and support throughout this crisis."

Sophie BellonChairwoman of the Board of Directors and Interim Chief Executive Officer of Sodexo

"Today’s Shareholders’ Meeting marks an important milestone in Sodexo's history, with the affirmation of our Company Purpose. This is an opportunity for us to put even more emphasis on our unique way of doing our job, and above all to reveal what drives us as a company: "We create a better everyday for everyone to build a better life for all." Our Purpose accurately and uniquely expresses who we have always been, and what has guided our growth since the company was founded, how we envision that growth for years to come, and the impact we want to have on the world."

The Combined Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was broadcast live and will very soon be available on a deferred basis, in French and English, as well as the detailed results of the votes, on, in the "Finance – Shareholders – Shareholders’ Meetings" section.

Watch the replay