Sodexo firmly contests the decision of the French Competition Authority and appeals

Sodexo acknowledges the decision made by the French Competition Authority on December 18, 2019 to sanction several meal voucher issuers for practices within this industry, including Sodexo Pass France.

Sodexo acknowledges the decision made by the French Competition Authority on December 18, 2019 to sanction several meal voucher issuers for practises within this industry, including Sodexo Pass France.

Sodexo firmly contests this decision which manifests a completely inaccurate appreciation of the alleged practices and of the market dynamics.

Indeed, Sodexo refutes the anticompetitive nature of the information exchanges through the “Centrale de Règlement des Titres” (central remittance agency), which cannot be characterized as strategic. The allegation of market protection is equally unjustified considering, in particular, the arrival of several new players on the market.

Consequently, Sodexo has decided to appeal.